Krugman has predominantly written about US politics and Economy but that doesn't make it any less interesting for an Indian reader. His writing on the Financial crisis and the third world economy and International Trade are a treat to read.
Not everyone may agree with this hard core liberal but i confess to be a adherent supporter.
Attached is the link to his web page where he has documented all this work from the time he began in Slate to New York Times .
I read Krugman probably for the first time today after getting to know about him getting the nobel prize... but honestly i have to admit that he deserves it, because even though i had not followed the Sub prime crisis, going through his column made it a lot easier to understand... but that doesnt mean that you can ask me to explain it :) the bottom line... the guy deserves it n is now rightly getting it...
Yes agree with you, how ever he has his set of detractors for his staunchly liberal political views.
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