Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Eulogy to a Door Knob

Knock! Knock !

Not so long back I was in a middle of a heated debate with a friend on "Door Knob" (of all things is the house). No no! It was not a maintenance row.... 

I wanted to name my dog door knob, and she thought it held n hope. This made me write this Eulogy of sorts for the dear old Door knob.

Practical Benefits 

Imagine our lives without door knobs:

·         Horror/ thriller movies where a mysterious hand does not turn the door knob.

·         Imagine the clothing clutter in the room without this convertible hanger

·         How would you slam the door after a furious row! ( Just as I did after this conversation)


Derived Benefits

 It’s more than the showpiece unlike the ear on a human faces we so adore. It is no less than a piece of art in itself. If seeing is believing have a look:

 They are a li’l mechanic marvel too imagine those tiny knobs being fully equipped security checks safeguarding your room thanklessly

 Knobs are the line which demarcate your personal space

 Symbolic Benefits 

Its more symbolic standing on your door like and angel guarding the heavens gate , like the controllers at the doors of knowledge ( may be like our good ol’ media)


If nothing at all .It simply makes life easy silently!


Arpita Mukherjee said...

agreed that the door knobs make life easier in a lot of ways... but when we come to think of some situations in real life where the door gets stuck only because of the stupid door knob and refuses to open no matter how much of human energy is wasted on it... so well, common... how can any dog ever dream of creating so much trouble for their master... hence the name door knob, however fancy and utility oriented it may sound does not fit the very sweet, adorable and ever so faithful dog...

Udiyana Shivani said...

:) I guess this was the crux of the argument! Its perhaps human tendency to blame the silent for our mistakes. Why don't we bring more perspective by saying...The knob jammed because :

1. We forgot the key
2 We bought a auto lock and step out in mirth ( forgetting the key inside of course)
3. We fiddled with the knob till it started malfunctioning.

My teacher once quoted an example : ' We say the glass broke we seldom but it as I broke the glass! considering the glasses' ability to move .....

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