Monday, January 26, 2009

When will Ram get a human Sena?

Well a couple of Yuga's ago there was The Prince Ram who defeated Ravan with his army of vanars of monkeys well but I can bet my last breath on the fact that the vanar or the army of monkeys were more human then their name sakes who beat up women for ruining the Indian culture in Mangalore. In short the monkey's then seem more civilised the the humans today.... or would i rather the humans today seem more beastly then the brave vanars then... (I guess Darwin would have redone his evolution theory if he saw these incidents ). *

On a more serious note...

Every time there is an attack by the fundamentalists or so called the religious brigade it is on women be it the bar dancers or the burqa draping. I don't know if I sound like a  feminist venting out a frustrated rant but the fact that women are at the receiving end of these barbarous whims is wrong. 

But a lot of times I wonder if I see a closet satisfaction in the masses when an incident like this happens... Just a couple of days ago there was an incident where kids celebrating a birthday party got beaten and abused for spoiling the culture of the locality by none other then the hooligans in the area. 

Just think back every time there is a call for protection of the culture the barbarians who quite literally hold the cudgels are the guys who would sit on street corners whistling at girls making cat calls and lewd comments.

In all probability the maniacs who attacked the girls in Mangalore were frustrated souls who were denied entry, and hence made a vengeful attack! I refuse to take a stance on does our society need dance bars... but if a set of hooligans were to attack women in them name of Ram I wonder how Ram would react.... maybe not too strongly for the man himself banished his wife heeding to words of a washerman.... Being a women I guess I would best love the Ram Rajya in a TV soap.

* But due to the immense respect and reverence I hold for the brave warrior race of vanars I extend my due apology to them for even making the comparison.... 


Gaurav Jha said...

hey brilliant pic...

where you got this from??

Unknown said...

Great article. I totally agree. I guess we will never see Ram getting a human sena cos there is no Ram to lead. its not the guys who beat up the women responsible but its their leader (self proclaimed guardian of culture) who has simple misinterpreted Hindu culture or is looking for a political career. if we really find a Ram them i know that he will put even a sena of hooligans to good use.

Udiyana Shivani said...

well googled out the pic... by the way there is a video game on Ramayan..... so u'll find such pics of all characters in Ramayan.

Udiyana Shivani said...

Well Goutham,

considering Ram banished his wife I dont expect a lot of gender sensitivity, but agreed he can do better then Mutalik!

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